Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Easy Way to Help Beat Cancer

I just registered with DKMS.  They will be sending me a simple kit where I will take a cheek swab and enter into their national database.  From there, I can be matched with people who have leukemia and potentially save a life.  1 in 200 people are ever called upon to donate marrow, so the odds are it will never happen, but if it does it would make a huge difference in the life of the person I help.  I'm sure it will make a difference in my life too, knowing that I gave that person a second chance.  It's free but it costs $65 to run the swab, so they appreciate donations as well.

Local Harvest or Where to get your local yummy stuff

This blog has been sitting in the back of my mind for awhile, but finally the time has come when my level of frustration has become greater than my level of laziness.  As I am very lazy, that is saying something.

I am originally from Minnesota and Wisconsin, where there are health food stores the size of our regular grocery stores here in Hampton Roads.  Even the farmers markets that I have visited here have returned a disappointing amount of local, organic products (with a few exceptions that I will mention in later posts.)

Enter a site called www.LocalHarvest.org.  If you put in your zip code, it will return area farms, restaurants, farmer's markets or whatever you select.  The farms sound great.  Too bad I found them just in time for winter but they do have some produce listed as available this time of year.

There are two restaurants listed, The Boot in Norfolk and Croc's 19th Street Bistro in Virginia Beach.  Has anyone had the chance to visit either of these?  They both have good reviews.  I'll have to make a point of checking them out.

I'll keep you all posted as I get to sample the goods.  If you know of any good, local places, please share!